Alzad Services


CORAL (Collaborative Online Resource Assessment and Access) is an electronic resources management system designed to streamline and enhance the management of electronic resources in libraries and other information centers. It provides librarians and administrators with a comprehensive platform to handle various aspects of their electronic resources, including subscriptions, licenses, usage statistics, and access management. Below are some key features and benefits of using CORAL on your website:


  1. 1.       Resource Management: CORAL allows you to efficiently manage your electronic resources, including e-journals, e-books, databases, and other digital content. You can organize and categorize resources based on subject, type, or vendor, making it easier for users to navigate and find relevant materials.
  2. 2.       Access Control: With CORAL, you can set up access controls and authentication methods for different user groups, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to specific resources. This helps protect licensed content and maintain compliance with copyright and licensing agreements.
  3. 3.       Usage Statistics: CORAL provides detailed usage statistics for your electronic resources. You can monitor resource usage, identify popular resources, and make data-driven decisions regarding subscriptions and resource allocation.
  4. 4.       License Management: Keep track of all your licensing agreements and their respective terms using CORAL. It helps you stay organized and ensures compliance with license restrictions, such as the number of simultaneous users or permitted usage.
  5. 5.       Alerts and Notifications: The system can be configured to send alerts and notifications for upcoming subscription renewals, license expirations, or other important events related to your electronic resources.
  6. 6.       Integration and Customization: CORAL can be integrated into your existing library website or discovery system, providing a seamless user experience. It also allows for customization to match your library's branding and layout.
  7. 7.       Collaboration and Communication: CORAL fosters collaboration among library staff by enabling multiple users to access and update information simultaneously. It also provides communication features to facilitate discussions and workflows related to electronic resources management.
  8. 8.       Accessibility: Ensuring that your electronic resources are accessible to all users is crucial. CORAL helps you maintain accessibility standards and guidelines for your digital content.
  9. 9.       Cost-Effectiveness: By efficiently managing your electronic resources, avoiding duplicate subscriptions, and utilizing usage statistics to make informed decisions, CORAL can help optimize your budget and make resource allocation more cost-effective.
  10. 10.   User Support: CORAL often comes with user support and training resources to assist library staff in getting the most out of the system and to address any technical or operational issues.

It's important to note that implementing CORAL on your website requires some technical expertise and setup. Depending on your library's specific needs, you may need to work with your IT department or seek assistance from the CORAL support team or third-party vendors for installation and customization.

Overall, CORAL is a valuable tool for libraries and information centers to efficiently manage their electronic resources, enhance user experience, and make well-informed decisions regarding resource subscriptions and allocation.

As a company providing the CORAL electronic resources management system to your clients, you can offer several benefits that will enhance their library or information center operations and better serve their users:


  1. 1.       Streamlined Resource Management: Implementing CORAL will enable your clients to efficiently manage their vast electronic resources collection. With a centralized platform, they can easily organize, categorize, and update resources, making it simpler for users to find and access the materials they need.
  2. 2.       Improved User Experience: A well-organized and user-friendly interface through CORAL will enhance the overall user experience for patrons. Easy navigation and quick access to electronic resources will increase user satisfaction and encourage them to utilize the library's digital content more frequently.
  3. 3.       Enhanced Access Control: Your clients can ensure that only authorized users have access to specific resources through CORAL's access control and authentication features. This ensures compliance with licensing agreements, protects copyrighted content, and prevents unauthorized usage.
  4. 4.       Data-Driven Decision Making: With CORAL's comprehensive usage statistics and reporting capabilities, your clients can gain valuable insights into resource usage patterns. This data-driven approach empowers them to make informed decisions regarding subscription renewals, resource allocation, and budget optimization.
  5. 5.       Simplified License Management: CORAL assists your clients in managing their licensing agreements effectively. They can track license terms, expiration dates, and compliance requirements, reducing the risk of any licensing violations.
  6. 6.       Cost Optimization: By leveraging the usage statistics and resource analytics provided by CORAL, your clients can identify underutilized or duplicate resources. This knowledge allows them to optimize their spending and invest in resources that best meet their users' needs.
  7. 7.       Seamless Integration: Your company can offer expert support to seamlessly integrate CORAL into your clients' existing library websites or discovery systems. This integration ensures a smooth transition and consistent user experience across all platforms.
  8. 8.       Customization and Support: By providing customization options, your clients can tailor CORAL to match their library's branding and layout, making it a more personalized experience for their users. Additionally, your company can offer ongoing technical support and training resources to ensure that library staff can maximize the system's benefits.
  9. 9.       Collaboration and Communication: CORAL's collaboration features facilitate better communication and workflow management among library staff. Your clients can encourage teamwork, share notes and updates, and ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to electronic resources management.
  10. 10.   Compliance and Accessibility: As a company, you can help your clients stay up-to-date with industry standards, accessibility guidelines, and best practices for managing electronic resources. This ensures that their digital content remains accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

In summary, by providing the CORAL electronic resources management system, your company can offer your clients a comprehensive solution to manage their electronic resources effectively. The benefits include improved user experience, data-driven decision-making, cost optimization, enhanced access control, and compliance support, all of which contribute to a more efficient and user-centric library or information center.

Adding more information about CORAL as an electronic resources management system on your website can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. 1.       Informing Potential Clients: Providing comprehensive information about CORAL will help potential clients understand the features and benefits of the system. They can assess whether CORAL aligns with their requirements for managing electronic resources efficiently.
  2. 2.       Showcasing Expertise: Demonstrating your expertise in offering CORAL as a solution highlights your company's proficiency in library and information management technologies. This can instill confidence in potential clients that they are choosing a reliable and experienced provider.
  3. 3.       SEO and Visibility: Adding relevant content about CORAL on your website can improve its search engine optimization (SEO) and increase visibility on search engine result pages. This can attract more organic traffic to your site, potentially leading to new leads.
  4. 4.       Differentiation: Explaining the unique features and advantages of CORAL sets it apart from other electronic resources management systems in the market. It helps potential clients understand why choosing your company and CORAL is the right decision for their needs.
  5. 5.       Case Studies and Testimonials: Including case studies and testimonials from existing clients who have successfully implemented CORAL can provide real-world examples of its impact and value. This can further convince potential clients about the system's effectiveness.
  6. 6.       User Support and Resources: Having a dedicated section on your website with user support resources, training materials, and documentation for CORAL can aid existing clients in getting the most out of the system. This enhances customer satisfaction and retention.
  7. 7.       Updates and Announcements: Regularly updating your website with the latest developments, new features, and enhancements related to CORAL keeps your existing clients informed and engaged.
  8. 8.       Integration and Compatibility: If CORAL can integrate with other library systems or third-party services, highlighting these integrations on your website can be beneficial. This ensures that potential clients understand how CORAL fits into their existing technology ecosystem.
  9. 9.       Security and Data Privacy: Emphasizing the security measures and data privacy features of CORAL can alleviate concerns potential clients may have about the safety of their electronic resources and user data.
  10. 10.   Contact Information and Inquiries: Provide clear contact information or inquiry forms on your website so that potential clients can reach out to your company with questions or to request demonstrations of CORAL.

Remember to keep the information accurate, up-to-date, and concise. Avoid overwhelming visitors with excessive technical jargon and focus on explaining how CORAL can address the specific needs and pain points of libraries and information centers. Consider using a mix of text, visuals, and multimedia content to make the information engaging and accessible to a wide audience.